Black Desert Online Download Game Client

Black Desert Online is a sandbox MMORPG from Pearl Abyss. PVP:Yes| Distribution:Download| Retail Price:$09.99| Pay Type:Buy to Play| Monthly Fee:Free. Seamless Movement Throughtout the Game World| No loading times other. Do not post descriptions, images, or videos of cheats, hacks, private servers, bots, payout selling, etc. All exploits, cheats, and hacks should be reported to the Black Desert support team. R/BlackDesertOnline only provides discussion and support for official retail versions of the game. NO GUILD RECRUITMENT.

Posted by
4 years ago

Trying to keep the sub a bit organized. If you are having trouble downloading the client please post here or join the Raidcall group for live chat and assistance. I will personally be in the Need Help channel most of the evening to assist if and when I get my own client downloaded and installed. If others could do the same that would be awesome!

EDIT PSA!!This error everyone is getting when trying to launch the launcher is perfectly normal (this is my theory anyway). Its telling you to launch the game via this webpage.

  • We'll know for sure 6pm PST on the 11th but I'm confident this is the case. The game installed a shortcut on my desktop that when double clicked takes me to the main page with a download link, and a 'coming soon' box. I realized a minute ago that this is a URL shortcut and not the launcher. When I path to the install and run the launcher it gives me that error. This leads me to believe that you will run the Launcher from the website, at least until now. This also explains the 79mb 'patch' the launcher underwent upon first launch.

EDIT: Make sure you are logged into your verified i-pin account on this page. You will need to download the Daum launcher as well via the 'Pre-Download' link in the top right. It will close your browser after installing the plugin.

Black Desert Game Download

PSA: If you get stuck in an 'update loop' with the Daum launcher, meaning every time you open it it asks again to kill your browser, follow /u/iamthepaddIes guide here.

EDIT: If your download completed and the client installed successfully, you are logged in with your i-pin account and have installed the Daum Launcher Plugin, you should be getting this page when attempting to launch the game.

FIRST OFF: Please read the FAQ and Helpful Info thread before asking for help here. You need to have a KSSN verified Daum account before proceeding.

Raidcall, register, log in, and search for group ID number: 10112896, or group name 'Black Desert English'. Read rules and requests before joining here. This is important! Please have a verified Daum account with Korean i-pin attached before joining the Raidcall. Join the 'Need Help' channel and apply for membership. Poke some people in the Lounge if the help channel is empty.

Helpful guide given by /u/VincentTide:

Official Download Site: (Try this first)

Black desert online

Downloader Mirrors: (This second, or if you're impatient)

Black Desert Online Download Game ClientBlack Desert Online Download Game Client

Torrent Download (2/17/2015):Download here (Try this if the other two methods don't help.) (thanks /u/iamthepaddIes)

  • Please seed when you can to help others if you go this route.

Black Desert Client Download

Everyone be sure to thanks /u/iamthepaddIes when you see him for gathering these links and throwing the torrent together for us.

Black Desert Online Download Game Client Download

IP blocked and other Troubleshooting suggestions:

  • First try the torrent of the full client, and if you are still having problems logging in you can try a VPN

  • Visit this thread (thanks /u/avelleo) for more information and links/instructions on setting up a VPN only if all else fails. There are some folks reporting the downloader is working for them.

  • Detailed instructions on using a VPN to download the client can be found here. Thanks /u/Oddly_novel

  • For those of you getting the WASH error during the download and are on a paid VPN, refer to /u/xitronn's comment here

Black Desert online, free download