Ti 84 Plus Silver Edition Programs Free Download

Ti 84 plus c silver edition instructions

  1. Ti 84 Plus C Silver Edition Instructions
  2. Ti 84 Plus C Silver Edition Downloads

Ti 84 Plus C Silver Edition Instructions


Ti 84 Plus C Silver Edition Downloads

This instructable shows you how to use the prgm button on the Texas Instruments 84 Plus and Texas Instruments 84 Plus Silver Edition. The programs are in BASIC program language.
Everybody who's in possession of one of these calculators probably already found the key 'prgm'. But if you press it there is an empty list... I will learn you how to fill this list with lots of different programs, from functional programs which know the quadratic formula to games such as space invaders.
The most of the information in this instructable I found out my self when I was bored during class. Some things I didn't really understand, so those things I've googled. The disadvantage of googling is that you can find the most basic tutorials you could think of and the real hard tutorials which beginners could never understand. Tutorials for people how know something about programing there calculator, but are not mastering it yet will not find a tutorial which can learn them something and is understandable, so I hope this instructable will solve that problem.
I have divided my instructable into several parts:
1. Things you should know first
1 - main commands - Learn what these commands can do. The part on how to use them, will explained in this instructable.
2 - variables - These are very handy when making programs, you'll see.
3 - making a new program - This part is pretty essential in the progress of making a program
2. Beginners programming
4 - Hello world - This will be the first program you're going to make.
5 - Quadratic formula - A very handy program!
6 - miles and kilometers - For those of you who can't remember the formula to convert these.

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