Supersu Pro Apk Free Download

  • SuperSU Pro APK is basically is Root Type Application App For Rooted Mobile Phones. Developer of SuperSU Pro APK is Codingcode.It is Top Developer in Google Play Store.SuperSU Pro APK Free Download Release Date on 19 Nov 2015 and 50,000,000 Download in Google Play Store.
  • SuperSU is the Superuser access management tool of the future;!!! SuperSU requires a rooted device!!! SuperSU allows for advanced management of.

Download SuperSU Pro 2.82 APK Info :

Download SuperSU Pro 2.82 APK For Android, APK File Named And APP Developer Company Is Chainfire . Latest Android APK Vesion SuperSU Pro Is SuperSU Pro 2.82 Can Free Download APK Then Install On Android Phone.

Download SuperSU Pro 2.82 APK Other Version

For Download Other SuperSU Pro versions Visit SuperSU Pro APK Archive.

Download SuperSU Pro.apk android apk files version 2.82 Size is 51764 md5 is 3330f47b0af2bb066e1e33400bf283f7 By Chainfire This Version Need Honeycomb 3.0 API level 11 or higher, We Index Version From this file.Version code 282 equal Version 2.82 .You can Find More info by Search On Google.If Your Search chainfire,supersu,tools Will Find More like,SuperSU Pro 2.82 Downloaded 399850 Time And All SuperSU Pro App Downloaded Time. !!! This is a license file for SuperSU. This is NOT a stand-alone app. You need SuperSU already installed. Reboot after installation !!!SuperSU Pro adds the following features to your SuperSU installation:- OTA survival mode (no guarantees)- Full color-coded command content logging (input/output/error)- Per-app logging configuration- Per-app user override- PIN protectionSee the SuperSU app description for further details on SuperSU.Note that SuperSU Pro is rarely updated - most of the updated code goes directly into the main SuperSU app. That is the one you need to update.

SuperSU pro apk tool is known as the Superuser access management tool. Now, you can use SuperSU Pro Apk latest version on your devices. SuperSU has been invent from the ground up to counter a number of issues with all the other tools of Superuser access management.

SuperSU Pro
Version: 2.82 (282)
50.55 KB (51764 bytes)
added on 2017-05-27 18:33:58 by d0ss

SuperSU Pro 2.82 APK Download by Chainfire

Your download will available in 9 seconds

In SuperSU Pro 2.82

Bug fix on v2.80 installation error and root loss

In SuperSU Pro 2.82

Supersu Pro Apk Free Download

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Me alegro de que a los ignorantes no os sirva

Aprende a rootear tu modelo de teléfono primero. Está aplicación sirve para gestionar accesos y privilegios root de otras aplicaciones, instalar Supersu no te hace root, ignorante.

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APKSuperSU Pro APK 2.82 Latest Version Free Download 2019
Supersu pro apk 2018

SuperSU Pro APK is one of the best Android utility apps which you can have on your rooted device. It allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root. The app has been built from the ground up to counter some problems with other Superuser access management tools.


SuperSU Pro APK 2.82 Latest Version Download For Android

If we look around, we will find an Android smartphone or tablet on every hand. Well, Android is an open source operating system which is entirely based on Linux. Due to its open-source nature, we can control Android from its core. If you are using Android for a while, then you might be well aware of the term ‘Rooting’.

Well, Android users are well known to the fact that Android rooting is gradually becoming a trend which many users want to follow. Rooting our Android device allows us to get the full control and authority within the Android’s operating system.

In short, whenever any users root their Android smartphone or tablet, they gain the administrative rights of the device. However, Android rooting also comes with several demerits like you lose your phone’s warranty, your phone might end by getting bricked and more.

Whatever might be the reason, Android users still choose to root their smartphone because by rooting, users get the full control over their phone where they can alter system files, change boot images, enjoy different mods, etc.

Once you root your device, every app that requires root access asks for it. Well, there are few apps available for the rooted device that allows users to manage the apps you’ve granted permissions to. One of those apps is known as SuperSu which is a free utility that will keep track of the apps you’ve granted those permissions to.

What is SuperSU Pro Apk?

Well, on a rooted Android device, whenever you install an app, they would be able to gain root access without your permissions. These situations often raise some concern regarding the privacy because there are few apps which are meant to spy on you and after gaining the root access they can scrape all the details they need.

Super su pro apk

So, to avoid all these situations, SuperSU Pro Apk comes to rescue. SuperSU Pro Apk allows users to control which apps get root access and which don’t. Suppose you have installed an app that needs root access. SuperSU will show you a prompt dialog that will ask you whether to give root access or not.

SuperSU allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root. The app has been built from the ground up to counter some problems with other Superuser access management tools.

Features of SuperSU Pro APK 2019:

Without any doubt, SuperSU Pro Apk is one of the best Android utility apps which you can have on your rooted device. The app allows users to manage apps that need root access to run. Apart from all of these, SuperSU Pro comes with some advanced features which we are going to list down below.

  • The app shows a prompt dialog box whenever any apps require root access. The app also shows a dialog box for logging, access notifications and more.
  • Rooted Android users can also use SuperSU Pro Apk to temporary unroot their Android device. This feature is handy while installing banking related apps since banking app doesn’t run on a rooted device.
  • SuperSU Pro Apk also has support for deep process detection, and it also works in recovery. Not only these, but the app can also work when Android isn’t properly booted.
  • The premium version of SuperSU Apk also have an OTA Survival mode, full color-coded command content logging (input/output/error)
  • The latest version of SuperSU Pro Apk also has per-app logging configuration, per-app user override and more.
  • You can also use this app to Grant/Deny root to an app for a set amount of time. Suppose you want to give root access to the app for only 5 minutes, you can set the time limit in SuperSU Pro Apk.
  • SuperSU Pro Apk also allows users to set PIN protection, per-app PIN protection. You can even Adjust auto-deny countdown.

So, these are just a few features of SuperSU Pro Apk which we have mentioned above. Apart from all of these, the app houses lots of other features which you can explore while using the app.

Free Download SuperSU Pro APK On Android:

Without any doubt, SuperSU Pro Apk is one of the best Android utility apps which you can have on your rooted device. The app allows users to manage apps that need root access to run. Now that you are fully aware of SuperSU Pro Apk and its features. It’s time to get the latest version of SuperSU Pro Apk.

Above, we have shared the latest version of SuperSU Pro Apk which you can download and install on your Android smartphone or tablet. We have manually checked the link, and it’s well working. However, if you are facing problems while downloading the file, then make sure to discuss with us in the comments.

Supersu Pro Apk Free Download For Mac

How To Install SuperSU Pro Apk On Android 2019:

Undoubtedly, SuperSU Pro Apk is one of the best Android rooted app which you can have on your Android smartphone. The app also comes with lots of features which we have discussed above. Now that you have fully made your mind to download and install this excellent app on your Android smartphone or tablet, lets read the installation guide.

Step 1. First of all, you need to download SuperSU Zip packed into your Android smartphone’s SD Card.

Step 2. In the next step, you need to turn on the USB Debugging mode and unlock the phone. You need to reboot into recovery mode by pressing Power and Volume Down button simultaneously for a few seconds.

Supersu Pro 1.25 Apk Free Download

Step 3. Now you need to tap on Install and then find the SuperSU Zip file. Once selected, you need to swipe to confirm flash.

Step 4. Now you need to tap on Wipe Cache & Dalvik and swipe to wipe. Finally, reboot your phone.

That’s it, that you are done! This is how you can download and install SuperSU Pro Apk on your Android smartphone or tablet. The best way to check whether the app is installed correctly or not is to launch an app which needs root access. It will ask you for permission to grant or deny root access.

Supersu Pro Apk Free Download

SuperSU allows for advanced management of Superuser access rights for all the apps on your device that need root. SuperSU has been built from the ground up to counter many problems with other Superuser access management tools. So, overall, this is one of the best utility tools for all Android devices.

So, in this article, we have discussed everything about SuperSU Pro APK 2.82 Latest Version Free Download 2019 and its features. The article also includes one of the easy and best methods to download and install SuperSU Pro on your Android smartphone or tablet. However, if you are facing issue while installing the app, then make sure to discuss with us in the comment box below.

Download Free Supersu Pro 2.82 Apk